Tag Archives: The Hunger Games

Get ready for The Hunger Games

book jacket, The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games movie will be released March 23, 2012. Join the fervor with a YA book club , as Amity DeAngelis did at the Weatherfield Proctor Library. Her idea of pairing survival training for teens with the the Suzanne Collins trilogy is genius!

For the book clubs I chose a popular series and had three meetings. For two of the book clubs (Percy Jackson and Twilight) I did related crafts at the first two meetings and then did pizza and a trip to the movies to see the film version at the last meeting. This did require some planning ahead to make sure that the movie was going to be released at the time we would be having the third meeting. The library paid for the pizza but the attendees were responsible for their movie ticket. For the other book club (The Hunger Games) I partnered with the Precision Valley Fish & Game Association to set up survival training for each meeting. Each meeting covered a different topic: archery, emergency shelter building, and fire making.