Category Archives: New Services and Outreach

Online High School Yearbooks

Bellows Falls High School Yearbooks





Many public libraries host physical collections of local high school yearbooks– what if they also linked virtually to the high school yearbooks? Cutler Memorial Library and Rockingham Free Public do, and here’s how it happens.

The Oklahoma Correctional Industries hosts The OCI Yearbook Program, free scanning of high school yearbooks. Use the contact email and phone number, ocirc at for OCI Records Conversion, (405) 527-0830. Libraries provide the yearbooks, inmates scan the pages, OCI returns a DVD to the library which chooses a site for the images. Brian Herzog’s Swiss Army Librarian offers some project background for librarians who want to know more. And yes, OCI provides packing details and pays the postage.

Google’s Open Gallery is theĀ  Cutler Memorial Library online digital archive for historic materials of Plainfield, including the neatly typed and drawn 1934 Yearbook. The Rockingham Free Library online yearbooks link takes the reader to a Flickr account, 10 yearbooks per page.

OCI recommends loaning out the DVD for nursing home visits, individual use and high school reunions. What about copyright permission? Good question. Email amy.howlett at if you figure it out.

Town Poet Laureate

Poet Laureate

Pierson Library and Shelburne, Vermont are looking for a poet laureate, someone who lives in Shelburne and is judged excellent by a local panel of the town manager, the library director, and a local literary expert. The nomination form identifies the purpose:

…the process of community development is being seen as an art as well as a science. Part of the art is bringing people together on an emotional and spirit level to work together to solve problems. Another part is to help residents who may disagree on methods to recommit to the health and well being of their community. Poetry has the ability to transcend the structures of our language and connect with us others in a way we couldn’t otherwise.

The poet laureate will participate in public events like Town Meeting, hold poetry readers at the library and other locations, and lead events during April, National Poetry Month. The Poet Laureate will also compose a poem for the Town Report The honorarium for the two year position is $25, paid by the Town of Shelburne.